
  • Access full list of Roderick Tan’s publications here.
  • Mutchler SM, Hasan M, Kohan DE, Kleyman TR, Tan RJ (2021).  Deletion of the gamma subunit of ENaC in endothelial cells does not protect against renal ischemia reperfusion injury.  Int J Mol Sci Oct 9; 22(20): 10914.  doi: 10.3390/ijms222010914.
  • Rush BM, Bondi CD, Stocker SD, Jobbagy S, Barry KM, Small SM, Ong J, Jobbagy S, Stolz DB, Bastacky SI, Chartoumpekis DV, Kensler TW, and Tan RJ (2021). Genetic or pharmacologic activation of Nrf2 signaling enhances proteinuric chronic kidney disease in mice.  Kidney International.  99(1): 102-116.  PMID: 32818518.  doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2020.07.036.